EP: Papa9ja – AsaIgbo

Papa aka Papa9ja The African Princess starts the year with the release of An EP she titled Asaigbo,  the Igbo Princess solidifies her position as an Igbo Queen with the release of this EP,  the EP which has a blend of a lot of African sounds is Igbo themed and has A lot of elements from the Igbo culture and the music, with features from Jaywillz, Funny Dawg, the project is very enjoyable and you will appreciate Igbo through it, Download, stream, and Support this Igboness .. Follow on Social Media @Papa9ja



1: ogbodo x funny dawg - DOWNLOAD

2: my head - DOWNLOAD 
  3: ihunaya - DOWNLOAD 
  4: oyoyo   -  DOWNLOAD
5: tell me  -   DOWNLOAD
6: hard to find x Jaywillz  -DOWNLOAD

7: Get  Up - DOWNLOAD

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